Sunday, April 26, 2009

Good-bye, fishies. :(

Today it was final. I went to the pet store and gave back my beloved fish. With the moving, baby coming, and general chaos I wasn't taking good enough care of them. I didn't want them to die on me, and I figured they'd have a better chance of being fed and paid attention to at the store.

Ok, I know, they're FISH. But I was kind of sad as I wished them good-bye. I've had most of them for a year, and they were my way of spending some of my nurturing energy during a time where I was feeling rather broken in the baby-having process. They gave me an outlet to learn about pets, take care of them, and watch them in their tank doing their fishy things on sleepless nights. They were a good way for me to cope and concentrate on something else for a while.

We'll likely get more fish when we're established here and Samantha's several months old. That'll be fun. Until then, bye Phoebe 1-8, Naomi, Minnie, Shadow, Colonel Pickering, Winthrop, Dodger, and I-really-need-to-name-that-little-guy. Thanks for helping me through this past year. :) Swim safely.

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